I’ve been maining Fiora since the end of Season 5. What I like about her is her strong early game and her insane ability to split push and teamfighting. Her carry potential is extremely strong and also she is one of the champions that can totally carry in situations when your entire team is feeding. Here in this guide I’ll show you all you need to know to carry with Fiora toplane in all elos.
TP and Ignite are both good summoner spells on Fiora, depending on certain situations. I reccomend you to pick ignite if you are in bronze, silver or gold since the enemy will not punish you properly for taking ignite. Taking ignite will secure your early game if properly used, early game being the most important phase of Fiora in the game and where she must shine. But in High Platinum+ I reccomend you to always take TP because you’ll be applying map pressure while being more capable of being secure in lane. Against ranged champions you would always want to pick tp no matter the elo since one of Fioras weaknesses is that she is a very easily kitable champion. At least in the early stages of the game.
- Secure early game
- Have better teamfighting and carry potential
- Very punishable if the enemy is good
- Very bad if you lose lane
- Can apply map pressure
- Keep good cs record against bad matchups
- Better in higher elos overall
- Less early game power
In my opinion Fiora has one of the best laning phases in the game. In laning phase, you must play asaggresive as you can against good matchups. Given this, you must not lose laning phase or else Fiora or you most likely are going to lose the game, so you must make sure that you win lane or at least keep being even with the other laner in terms of cs and xp.
- Vitals: Landing Vitals (Fiora’s passive) is Vital in Fiora’s laning phase, when landing a Vital you gain health and movement speed making you capable of trading safely with your opponent. Mastering how to land as much Vitals in laning phase as possible will make you win more games.
In teamfights, you will always want to burst the carry threat of the enemy team with your ult-(ignite), it can be their mid or ad depending who is the most fed. Also you can peel for your carries if they are more fed than you, this is also good because you can proc the ult healing faster with tanks.
Nasus: Very Easy
- Nasus is the only champion that you would always pick ignite against him, you can kill him at level 1 if you land your vitals/ignite properly as he will get greedy for cs at level 1, and since he will most likely have leveled Q first, you will have no trouble chasing and killing him.
Nautilus: Very Easy
- Nautilus’s predictable CC and worse early game than Fiora’s will make you easily win the lane.
Swain: Very Easy
- His only CC ability can easily be Riposted to his death in the early game, not to mention he is a squishy mage.
Yasuo: Easy
- He is stronger than you until you get a tabi and dorans shield, but when you get those items he will not be able to touch you. Also his tornado is a easily predictable CC.
Ekko: Easy
- Predictable CC, weak early game compared to Fioras, and squishy in laning phase.
Riven: Medium
- If the Riven is a good player, he will bait your Riposte almost every time and win the trades, then the matchup will get hard. You will win if you get an early gank and tilt the Riven, also if she is bad of course.
Renekton: Medium
- Like Riven, if the Renekton is a good player he will bait your Riposte and stun you always, but if not its an easy matchup. At level 6 you should be able to win against him easily if you didn’t give him kills.
Malphite: Medium
- Try to wait till he use his E to trade, and you’ll win the lane.
Jax: Medium
- At level 6 he wins if he lands the stun, try to always Parry the stun.
Wukong: Hard
- His abilities are not predictable to use your Riposte whatsoever and his W makes you waste one Q, try to use your W to slow his attack speed to win trades. Whoever gets the first kill wins the lane.
Kayle: Hard
- She can kite Fiora to death easily if she gets the minimum of lead in the early game. Try to kill her at least once pre-6 by being aggressive and parrying her Q to escape.
Darius: Hard
- His unpredictable E makes it difficult for you to trade with him without risking dying, try to only proc vitals early game and ask for junglers help since he is an immobile champion.
Gnar: Hard
- He can kite you easy and has an annoying jump that he can use to dodge your Q if he times it well bringing it to higher cooldown and forcing you to burn flash to escape. Against him try to bait his jump to trade and win the trade using your W to block his 3rd W proc and to slow his attack speed. At level 6 you should be able to easily kill him and you can Ripost his ult also if timed well.
Teemo: Very hard
- Yes, Teemo is a nice counterpick to Fiora, your parry doesnt work for him at all since you can’t parry poisoning, not to mention his blind makes your Q and basic attacks useless for the next good 2 seconds, he can poke you death in the early game, or just force you to back. Against him always bring TP, play safe and cry for jungler ganks. If you are even at level 9, you can kill him when you get the upgraded sweeper.
Pantheon: Extremely Hard – Biggest Fiora Counter in my opinion
- His passive is annoying because it pretty much makes your passive useless since you cant even proc vitals on him, also he will always beat you early game even if he is a very bad player, always. Against him the best thing you can do is take TP and ask bot for a laneswap. You can also farm on tower without dying until 6 and ask your jungler to gank and you should be able to kill him.
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