Season 6 High Diamond Zed Guide - Lol Champion World 2016
So after trying different Summoner Spells a lot in the beginning of the new Season, this is my conclusion:
Self explanatory.
HINT: Suggested Summoner Spells against Champions are only for Laning Phase!!!
Often Ignite is recommended but you need exhaust or cleanse against the enemy Team.
Probably gives the most kill pressure on your lane opponent, also its the easiest to use, since cleanse needs reaction time and Exhaust needs timing. Take Ignite against Self-heal Champions, if the enemies have no real CC/Burst against you.
Champions to go Ignite against:
Le Blanc, Kayle, Lulu, Ekko, Swain, Kassadin, Karthus, Akali, Orianna, Vel'Koz, Ziggs, Azir
My favorite Summoner Spell on Zed right now, it helps you to survive against CC and you can remove Ignite/Exhaust from your lane opponent.
Champions to go Cleanse against:
Lissandra, Cassiopeia, Twisted Fate, Xerath, Ahri, Ryze, Anivia, Annie, Lux
Extremely strong in 1v1 scenarios, don't underestimate the bonus damage from it. Perfect against High Burst opponents.
Champions to go Exhaust against:
Talon, Fizz, Syndra, Malzahar, Kennen, Katarina, Gangplank, Brand, Yasuo
You want to take this Rune Site against AP Champions. While AD, Armor Pen, Health per Level and Magic Resist are pretty much self explanationary, CDR at 18 is not. You take it to have 35% CDR in the lategame, since that allows you to throw 2 Qs while having 1 Shadow up.
Take this Rune Site against an AD Laner. You dont need any Magic Resist in your Runes, so CDR is your Way to go. The reason why i have 6 Flat CDR Glyphs and 3 Sclaing CDR Glyphs is, that i get exactly 40% CDR with these.
Must have Masteries:
Double-Edged Sword
Double Edged Sword is an extremely strong offensive Mastery on every Melee Assassin. It helps you to burst your targets down a lot faster. The Downside of it, that you take additional Damage too, isn't that important on Zed compared to the bonus damage.
Since your normal Zed combo right now is to use WEQ, your Lane opponent will always take more damage instead of if you have Bounty Hunter. If your Playstyle is to roam all game, Bounty Hunter can be stronger, but don't forget: Oppressor makes you strong in Lane and being able to kill your Lane Opponent can make you snowball even harder than Bounty Hunter.
Wanderer is way better than Savagery, because it gives you more lane pressure and roaming power. You don't need help to last-hit, you are Zed and you have a passive.
Assassin (No Icon found)
Assassin makes it way easier for you to get fed. Take it everytime, perfect to Split-push and perfect for Laning.
Merciless is perfect on Zed. You will get your enemy very often below 40% and then you want to kill him with your Ult. The bonus damage from Merciless is perfect to do that. Also what the fuck do you want with Mana Regeneration?
Dangerous Game
Despite getting gold from ally minion kills is useless on Zed, Dangerous game is very powerful. After you killed and enemy in lane, you will often have an ignite ticking on you. Having Dangerous Game will help you to survive and grow a stronger lead. Also its pretty broken in Team-fights for obvious reasons.
Flat Armor Penetration is broken on Assassins, since it gives LOTS OF damage against squishy targets, which makes it, at least on Zed, way stronger than Battering Blows too. Further you don't really need to have more CDR.
Thunderlord's Decree
Thunderlord's Decree gives you the highest possible amount of Burst Damage you can possibly get out of all masteries. It will proc basically every time you hit your enemy with you normal Poke combo. This Burst combined with a possible back-swap to your Living Shadow can easily get you kills. The meta right now is all about snowballing from the early-game. Thunderlord's Decree is perfect for that.
Preferable Masteries
These are mainly my own preferations, but the other mastery is possible too.
(Fury > Sorcery)
I prefer Fury above Sorcery, because its stronger in most stages of the game. It helps you to last-hit easier early into the game and gives way more damage in the late-game, since Attack Speed helps Zed to stay relevant even after using his spells.
(Vampirism > Natural Talent)
The stats Natural Talent gives are basically non-existent. 10 AD at level 18? That is nothing. Having a bit Spellvamp and Life-steal instead helps Zed way more.
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